The StopSO Professional Forum is designed for StopSO members to gain support and advice.

If you wish to join the forum, but are not a current StopSO member, please ask about Associate membership for those who have a legitimate professional intrerest in this area.

  • Optional - Please enter your therapist ID
  • Not required if you are already signed up as a therapist for StopSo
  • Not required if you are already signed up as a therapist for StopSo
  • Not required if you are already signed up as a therapist for StopSo
  • Not required if you are already signed up as a therapist for StopSo
  • if you have a website, please give the full address
  • We need to verify you are who you say you are - please provide your qualifications and dates, and the professional body you are a member of (if applicable). Not required if you are already signed up as a therapist for StopSo
  • e.g. BACP, UKCP, COSRT
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.