This course facilitated by Dr Andrew Smith takes place by Zoom over eight 2-hour sessions on consecutive Thursdays 7 pm till 9 pm: March 7, 14, 21, 28, April, 4, 11, 18, 25.
The cost of the course is £300
4 in stock
Workshop Description
The Enneagram provides detailed descriptions of the typical thoughts, emotions and behaviours of nine lenses on the world: nine styles of personality. By determining which lens or style is closest to our own, the Enneagram can be a useful tool in increasing self-awareness – revealing our and our clients’ gifts but also blind spots. Engaging with the Enneagram can provide us with a map for growing and changing and can assist in enabling clients to understand and overcome their problems and sexual compulsions. The Enneagram system can be taught to clients, but can be used by practitioners to inform their own personal development, practice and formulations and treatment of clients with sexual offending problems.
Session 1: Introduction to the Enneagram
Session 2: Heart type offenders: 2 3 and 4
Session 3: Head type offenders: 5 6 and 7
Session 4: Gut type offenders: 8 9 and 1
Session 5: Sub types: Self Preservation, Social, One-to-one
Session 6: Discover your Enneagram Type (completion of questionnaire)
Session 7: Ways of counselling using the Enneagram
Session 8: Therapeutic and developmental progress for each Enneagram type
12 is the maximum number on the course