

You are booking Module 4 of the Professional Certificate in Therapeutic Practice with Sex Offenders. The full Certificate, which consists of 5 modules, has been developed to provide counsellors, psychotherapists and other practitioners such as psychologists, probation officers, social workers and project workers with the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to work therapeutically with this client group. The course also prepares practitioners to work with partners of such individuals and with couples, where one party is at risk of sexual offending.

Module 1 timings :

Saturday: Arrive 9.30 for start at 10 a.m.  Finish at 6 p.m.

Sunday: Arrive 9 for 9.30 a.m.  Finish at 4 p.m.

Date: 11/01/2020 at 9:30am
End date: 12/01/2020 at 4:00pm
Trainer: Julie Newberry

Workshop Description

Module 4

Day 2 : Saturday 11th Jan 2020

Paedophiles: Offending and Non-offending (Julie Newberry)

  • Welcome; introductions; ground rules; aims of the day (large group session)
  • What it means to find oneself sexually attracted to children
  • Thinking about paedophilia – definitions, prevalence, aetiology, treatment
  • The experience of ‘Kevin’, the online paedophile community and findings from the Minor-Attracted Adult (MAA) Daily Lives Research Project
  • Research findings on attraction and fantasies; self-identity; experiences of support; debate and dissent within the paedophile community
  • Thinking about the interactions between paedophilia, online images of abuse, and sadism
  • ‘Sexual libertarian’ and ‘child protection’ discourses in the literature
  • Supporting the non-offending paedophile
  • Film extracts from ‘The Woodsman’ and ‘The Paedophile Next Door’
  • A new paradigm on adult sexual attraction to children; reflecting on sexuality, abuse and hope. The implications for practice

Day 2 : Sunday 12th Jan 2020

Working with Female Offenders (Julie Newberry)

  • Discussion of issues arising from previous sessions
  • Summary of main learning covered so far
  • Emotional reaction to women who sexually abuse
  • Theories of why more women are being convicted of sexual offences, and  why the impact of female offending is often minimised
  • Backgrounds of females who offend
  • Females who offend to please men
  • Females who offend in ritual abuse settings
  • Females who offend in gang cultures
  • Females who offend against underage, non-related males
  • Females who offend against their own and other peoples’ children

Terms & Conditions

Cancellations of workshops made less than 21 days before the course start date will be charged in full. Any refunds will incur a 12% administration charge. Where we cancel the workshop, we will refund your full course fee, however we will not be liable for any expenses incurred.