You are booking Module 1 of the Professional Certificate in Therapeutic Practice with Sex Offenders. The full Certificate, which consists of 5 modules, has been developed to provide counsellors, psychotherapists and other practitioners such as psychologists, probation officers, social workers and project workers with the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to work therapeutically with this client group. The course also prepares practitioners to work with partners of such individuals and with couples, where one party is at risk of sexual offending.
Module 1 timings :
Saturday: Arrive 9.30 for start at 10 a.m. Finish at 6 p.m.
Sunday: Arrive 9 for 9.30 a.m. Finish at 4 p.m.
Date: 05/10/2019 at 9:30am
End date: 06/10/2019 at 4:00pm
Trainer: Dr Andrew Smith
Workshop Description
Module 1
Day 1 : Saturday 5th Oct 2019
Emotional issues for practitioners: including making best use of supervision/the counselling process (Andrew Smith)
- Course introductions
- Contracting with regard to confidentiality and conduct
- Anxieties and expectations
- Shame and stigma related to sexual offending
- Folk Devils, Master Status
- The statistical reality of sexual offending
- Moral Pollution
- Transference and Counter transference issues
- Vicarious Traumatisation
- Confirmation Bias
- Principles of Reflective Practice
- Examples of poor, unreflective practice
- Examples of good, reflective practice
- What is good supervision?
- What is needed from a supervisor, when working with this particular client group?
- How to make the most of supervision
- Example counselling process with clients who have sexually offended
- Initial stage: contracting, negotiating evolving goals, developing rapport
- Lifeline work
- Offence-focused interventions
- ‘Good Lives’
- Psycho-educational work
- Fantasy Management
- Safety Planning
Day 2 : Sunday 6th Oct 2019
Attachment, Trauma and Mental Health Issues (Andrew Smith)
- Four different attachment styles, and how they can relate to sexual offending
- Research regarding attachment and sexual offending
- What is trauma? Different types of trauma
- Research regarding trauma and sexual offending
- The trauma of being a victim of sexual abuse, and the relationship to sexual offending
- The relationship between dysfunctional attachment, trauma, patriarchy and common schemas/implicit theories, observed in the discourses of sex offenders
- Exploration of main issues arising from above
- Therapeutic approaches to working with sex offenders with trauma and attachment issues
- Different views of mental health problems
- Types of mental health problems
- The relationship between mental health problems and sexual offending
- Personality disorders and sexual offending
Terms & Conditions
Cancellations of workshops made less than 21 days before the course start date will be charged in full. Any refunds will incur a 12% administration charge. Where we cancel the workshop, we will refund your full course fee, however we will not be liable for any expenses incurred.