

Cost: £75

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Workshop Description

Working with Client Issues about Partners and Children and the Child Protection System



Friday October 3, 2025, 10am till 1pm, 2pm till 4pm

Trainer: Dr. Andrew Smith

Often clients with sexual offending problems bring to sessions issues about partners, children and being caught up in the Child Protection System. Such issues can take up significant therapeutic time. The day’s online course will provide counsellors, and other practitioners, with guidance on how to work collaboratively with clients about such matters in a constructive and therapeutic way. The course will be delivered by Dr Andrew Smith, author of Counselling Partners and Relatives of Individuals who have Sexually Offended (2022), and will address the following:

  • Typical issues clients bring about partners, children and the child protection system
  • Helping clients to make informed decisions about telling existing and new partners about their offending
  • Helping clients to constructively understand and respond to partners’ distress and anger after offending has come to light
  • Helping clients to understand the child protection and legal processes in terms of possibly being allowed to live within the family again, after being convicted or accused of a sexual offence, or when a Finding of Fact has been made in this regard
  • Helping clients to engage positively with child protection social workers
  • Helping clients to understand what social workers are looking for from them and their partners, in terms of safeguarding

Helping clients to decide, with their partners, what to tell children about their offending or the reasons why contact with children has been limited.

Please ensure you have read and accept our terms and conditions as they form part of the booking contract.

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Friday March 7, 2025, Friday October 3, 2025