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Workshop Description

How trauma and online pornography changes a developing brain

A 2-day StopSO online training workshop delivered over zoom.


30th-31st January 2025

10am – 4pm GMT

Facilitated by Dr Glyn Hudson-Allez

Day 1: Infant Losses

The structure of the developing infant’s brain
Neurobiology of attachment
Introduction of the sexual template
Adolescent neural pruning
Trauma reconstruction of the brain
Vandalisation of the sexual template

Day 2: Adult Searches

Adult attachment patterns
Internet pornography
Sexual diversity and compulsive surfing
Neuroscience of addictions
Crossing the line into offending

Dr Glyn Hudson-Allez is an Independent Forensic Psychosexual Therapist who specialises in working with individuals who have sought help in respect of harmful sexual behaviours, including those who are accused or who have committed sexual offences using a unique integrative synthesis of neuroscience, developmental psychology and psychodynamic therapy. She has written four books: A Trauma-Informed Understanding of Online Offending. Adult Losses from Adolescent Searches. London: (2023, Routledge); Infant Losses; Adult Searches. A Neural and Developmental Perspective on Psychopathology and Sexual Offending, (2nd Ed. 2011 Karnac); Sex & Sexuality. Questions and Answers for Counsellors and Psychotherapists. (Whurr) and Time-Limited Therapy in a General Practice Setting: How to Help Within 6 Sessions (Sage) and has edited two: Sexual Diversity and Sexual Offending. Research, Assessment and Clinical Treatment in Psychosexual Therapy. (Karnac) and the latest StopSO text in press: A Practitioner’s Guide to Working with Sexual Offenders, Families, and Victims: Demystifying Sexual Offences. (Routledge.) Glyn has two fellowships: Association of Counsellors & Psychotherapists in Primary Care (CPC) and The College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT), and she is a Trustee and Vice Chair of StopSO.


£225 Stopso members

£250 Non-members

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